You’re a man of a few words but your action showed how much you cared
Your firm decisions and humility are carved within our personality
We’re so sad of your passing, it’s not fair that we lost you so sudden
Never again will we hear you laugh, Never again will we see you smile
It's just so hard to say goodbye, we can't help but to break and cry
Please watch over us with your love
We will remember all the good times we had
We will remember your memory and good advise
Even though we are apart, you'll live on within our hearts
Goodbye, but say not in grief 'you are no more' but live in thankfulness that you were'
Though you’re gone you left a treasure that filled our heart
Your memory will be with us forever, Thank you and goodbye.
A Saudi OFW observing the colorful life of Overseas Filipino Worker in the Middle East and Around the World