Makati Police on YouTube

Technology can be a friend or an enemy defending on how people use it. In Bruce Willis latest movie Live Free or Die Hard technology was used for terrorist attack, but we all know in movie, good triumph over evil. :devilishgrin:

While bad people is using technology in their advantage now Makati PNP Police came up with idea of making short video of how scammer's and syndicate's criminal modus operandi then upload it to YouTube. (Bright idea eh) Public awareness of this criminals action would result to people avoiding them. Narrated by Police PNP P/supt Gilbert C. Cruz with Makati Police operatives as the actors and victims. With this i salute the men and women of our Police for this idea and for using technology to good's advantage. Just hope the result would make Pinoy will be more vigilant not the other way around, because with this video they are also teaching ordinary people how to do this scams. Well it's all up to you.

Watch it! I've collected the first batch of video from YouTube and arrange them as to the most awareness importance. Your welcome to tell your relatives to watch the video's here.

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Kotong (The Money Short Exchange)

ATM Scam

Date Rape

Anti-Rape Self Defense

Ativan Gang

Street Syndicate

Pickpockets (Mandurukot)

Crimes inside Public Vehicles (includes the Lag-lag Barya and Ipit Gang)

Salisi Gang

Dugo-dugo Gang

Credit Card Scam

Motorcycle Snatcher

Anti-Kid Napping


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