Kabayan Junction is now worth a thousand bucks

David Airey posted an article today titled "How much money is your blog worth?" and out of curiosity i follow the link to Dane Carlson's site, where an applet submission is provided. I type-in Kabayan Junction's URL and to my surprise, this is the result:

My blog is worth $3,951.78.
How much is your blog worth?

Yes, Kabayan Junction is now worth a little less than U$D-4,000.00. Now this is a sky rocket confident booster. Wooow! Now I'm worth more than my bank account. LOL.

Another good news is for featuring Kabayan Junction on The Composed Gentleman's blue blooded blogger for week 54, so please vote for me!

Now one thing to figure out is where can i cash out? LOL. Seriously i still have many sleepless night and valued articles to post before i can match great sites like, DoshDosh (worht $0.5M) TheThinkingBlog (worth $1.8M), JohnChow (worth $1.9M) and ProBlogger (worth $3.4M).
For now blogging at Kabayan Junction is enjoyable while, posting about anything i could think on my free hour and see the stats rise is well enough. Thank you fellow Kabayans!
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