Lucky 777 baby!

July is a lucky month for the year 2007. An mystical importance of numbers 777 took place this month. Lucky but its would never come again (not after another century or so).

Many believers did different thing to mark this lucky day. Though it may be lucky or not we will never know, specially for you and me that did not received anything on that day. But like what they say that luck come unexpectedly. Here is a story of true luck on that day. From AFP's Rawstory:

"A baby girl born on July 7, 2007 -- 07/07/07 -- in the back of a Thai taxi bearing the licence plate 7777 is to receive a scholarship worth 700,000 baht (21,000 dollars), a college said Wednesday.

The girl, who has not yet been named but received the nickname "Seven," is just days old, but the Panyapiwat Institution of Technology has promised her a bursary until she graduates.

"It is an unconditional scholarship that we gave to her because she was born on July 7 of the year 2007, and in a taxi with the licence plate 7777," said Ratana Prasertsom, the rector of the institute.

"And when the mother and girl checked in at the hospital, they were given room 707 on the seventh floor." (View the full story here)

Lucky ah!

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